Monday, January 26, 2009


It has been over two years since the MonOrchid gallery has been opened to the public.  I remember back in 2001 when we started the blenderHaüs concept and the collective artist talent that blessed and enriched this great community. The efforts that fueled this environment sparked from an economy very similar to that of today. At this moment it was the crash of the .com bubble and the tragedy of 9/11 that brought so many of us together. All of us were looking for something different.... a concept that allowed us to think freely and join talents to create the perfect synergy. Many of us had lost jobs and survival was the inspiration for our togetherness.

The gallery thrived, artists came from all over the country, SHADE magazine emerged, and people worked together unified with a common goal. Collaboration and the connection of people working together was achieved and it was tremendous.

The doors will open again this March after 2 years of quit and we will work to restore these ideals once again. I'm so excited and it is ironic to me that I find this happening again in a similar economic time. 

It is an honor and a privilege to have local artist and painter Brian Boner paint the mural on our building (MonOrchid) that will set the stage for the next phase of our studio. The painting that you see on the blog is one of his works and the inspiration. 

I ask Brian to speak a little about the birds and what this meant to him as an artist. Brian responded , "It is something about the instinctual way they rely on each other, working together making constant progress. The migration of the flock and the unison, not of one bird but the entire group." It reminds him of the growing community of artists in downtown Phoenix who have been working together. You can see the progress and it is not based on one individual, but the collection of many. 

To see more of Brian's paintings go to his website at:


1 comment:

raineystudios said...

Very INTERESTING article. Almost sounds made up?